(Retrograph by Alan Jaras, from I Want You magazine)
The Ishmaelites weblog team were blessed to receive a message from 'within the palace walls' themselves recently. Palaceer Lazaro promised even more unique material in photo and video form in the future... The subject of this his first communique was, fittingly, the title of his latest project and the Source of his ideas:
the title palaces of light was as all my ideas are a divine inspiration. i see them in my mind. they look like everything and nothing. unanimous before my perception. vast challenges to my ability and understanding. vast accelerants to my creativity. vast oceans of definite endlessness. the jewel from the mother you sent me made me think of it. i dont know where my ideas come from i only know they come from light. even, especially the "dark" ones tho i never think or feel dark when i make.
Ample food for thought here. Hopefully we'll have time to really get into serious discussion of these issues soon, but let's not delay; what do you dear readers make of this enigmatic offering?
Q: What's the "jewel from the mother" he refers to?
A: That is the well-known mystical verse of the Recitation which I had sent him, the Sign of Light:
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